Saturday, October 3, 2015

Photos from Los Arcos to Viana

10/2/15 Photos from the Trail
Leaving Los Arcos on the Pilgrim Trail
On the road and still smiling....overcast and loving it!
Mariah displaying the fine grapes of Spain.. very sweet . A local vineyard keeper says his 1st row is for the pilgrims to enjoy....we went with that....delicious !
Foot bath at Pilgrim Hostal/ breakfast break ... I finally got my scrambled eggs for breakfast ( hard to come by in Spain)
Roadside refreshments...met new Pilgrim friends Elizabeth & John from Ireland. Panoramic views from the trail.

Corner historical structure preserved but not fully intact... Here we met Californians touring from Ojai, Calif. Had coffee w/ them & Mariah had mutual friend connection... small world!
Fresh baked cookies and a smiling baker and cookie consumer
Busy afternoon on our hotel street
New Pilgrim friends Georgetta & Luno from Rumania and England

Pilgrim laundry night in our hotel room. Mariah's great idea... a walking stick & chandelier for clothesline

1 comment:

  1. Cookies! That's my kind of trail food. Take a hand full of trail mix, toss it in cookie batter, bake and hit the road.
